Cullman Regional is committed to helping patients make informed decisions regarding their healthcare. This includes helping patients understand the cost of their care before coming to the hospital, as well as financial assistance that may be available. Since each patient is unique, we encourage you to call one of our financial counselors for an accurate and personalized price estimate. To obtain information regarding the out-of-pocket cost of services or procedures, please call one of our financial counselors Monday-Friday, 8 am – 4:30 pm.
- Last Names A-L: Call 256-737-2678
- Last Names M-Z: Call 256-737-2677
If you have insurance, you should check with your insurance company to find out if the service is covered and what your copayments and deductibles might be. The same is true if you’re on Medicaid or Medicare. If you don’t have health coverage, call one of our financial counselors.
- Last Names A-L: Call 256-737-2678
- Last Names M-Z: Call 256-737-2677
Our financial counselors are happy to provide an estimate regarding the cost of services. Any information provided is only an estimate. We will base the estimated cost on information you and your provider share with us about what services are expected to be performed. Many factors will influence the actual amount you will be billed, including whether the provider finds it necessary to perform more, fewer or different procedures than originally expected at the time of service.
In addition to providing you with an estimate of the cost of your services, if you do not have health insurance, or your insurance requires you to meet a deductible, coinsurance, or co-payment, we can assist with payment plans or discuss our financial assistance program with you.
In compliance with federal law, Cullman Regional provides a list of standard charges. The list charge of a hospital service is not equivalent to the actual amount paid by governmental or commercial insurance companies; accordingly, each patient’s financial responsibility may vary. The amount a patient pays is based on many factors, including health insurance, benefit plans and other applicable discounts, as well as the services provided, which are based on each patient’s unique needs.
Cullman Regional reviews our hospital charges annually to ensure they accurately reflect the high-quality care we seek to provide. Overall, Cullman Regional works with patients, providers and partners to provide the highest quality care in the most efficient manner possible.
- I understand the List of Standard Charges includes hospital services only and does not contain professional fees for Cullman Regional or non-Cullman Regional physicians or other advance practitioners.
- I understand that a single line item charge may not represent a complete medical service; in general, multiple charge line items are necessary to represent all components of a service (i.e., procedure(s), supplies, and medications).
- I understand that the List of Standard Charges is not intended for media use.
- I understand that these prices are the list price of all hospital charges and not necessarily what my insurance company will pay or what I will owe. My actual hospital bill may include one or more of these charges. Typically contracts with payers, including Medicare, and the hospital accepts a rate that is less than their published charges. Your insurer will determine what you will owe after they have paid their agreed upon rate.
- For a more accurate, personal estimate based on your individual circumstances and and understanding of what your estimated out-of-pocket expenses will be, please call one of our financial counselors Monday-Friday, 8am -4:30 pm at:
- Last Names A-L: Call 256-737-2678
- Last Names M-Z: Call 256-737-2677
I have read and understand the above Disclaimer Agreement and I fully understand that the information on the following pages are estimates only and that the actual amount I will be required to pay may be, and likely will be, different.
Standard Charges
I understand and agree. (Click on “I understand and agree” to the left to access Cullman Regional’s List of Standard Charges)
Shoppable Services
I understand and agree. (Click on “I understand and agree” to the left to access Cullman Regional’s List of Shoppable Services)
Frequently Asked Questions
What you should know about Hospital Billing:
- The hospital billing system is far from perfect and is based on historical data, negotiations and lack of payments.
- Hospitals don’t get paid what they bill.
- The hospital bill includes the cost of highly trained staff 24/7, expensive equipment and supplies, building costs, medicine and much more.
- The bill also includes the cost of care for those who cannot pay.
- Not-for-profit hospitals treat patients regardless of their ability to pay.
- Last year, Cullman Regional provided $14.42 million in care for which we were never reimbursed.
1. Why is the hospital posting the averages on the website now?
Starting January 1, 2019, the federal government mandates that hospitals must post a list of their standard charges which must be updated annually.
2. Why is there an increased focus on cost?
With healthcare reform, there are several reasons:
- Increasing costs to insured – After plan design changes and vendor negotiations, the average health care rate increase for mid-size and large companies was 3.2 percent in 2015, marking the lowest rate increase since 1996. However, the average amount that employees need to contribute toward their health care has increased more than 134 percent over the past decade.
- Higher copayments & deductibles – As individuals have higher copayments and deductibles; they are going to increasingly become more serious health care shoppers.
- Business/government push for transparency – Those who are paying for health care are trying to incentivize the individuals utilizing the care to shop for value by providing information on cost and quality.
3. How does Cullman Regional help me understand what my out-of-pocket expenses will be?
Cullman Regional’s financial counselors can provide estimates for patient’s out-of-pocket expenses based on the information the patient and his/her provider share with us about what services are expected to be performed. Many factors will influence the actual amount billed, including whether the provider finds it necessary to perform more, fewer or different procedures than originally expected at the time of service.
4. Does Cullman Regional provide assistance to individuals who cannot afford to pay their out-of-pocket expenses all at once?
Cullman Regional’s financial counselors can work with patients to develop payment plans or can determine if patients meet the requirements for financial assistance.
5. Who do I need to call for cost estimates, payment plans or to see if I qualify for financial assistance?
Call one of Cullman Regional’s Financial Counselors:
- If your last name begins with the letters A-L, call 256-737-2678
- If your last name begins with the letters M-Z, call 256-737-2677
6. How can I get the best estimate of my out-of-pocket expenses?
Find out as much as you can from your doctor about the procedure to be done, the tests and follow up care that may be needed and then,
- IF YOU HAVE INSURANCE – Ask your insurance company:
- Will the procedure be covered?
- What is the price will be for the procedure?
- Does the insurance company have to approve the procedure before you go to the hospital (prior authorization)?
- How much will your out-of-pocket costs be?
- Are the hospital and doctor included in your plan?
- IF YOU ARE ON MEDICARE – Visit mymedicare.gov, or call (800) 633-4227 to find out about your coverage.
- IF YOU ARE ON MEDICAID – Visit www.medicaid.alabama.gov; click “Recipients” and then “My Medicaid.”
- Call one of Cullman Regional’s Financial Counselors:
- If your last name begins with the letters A-L, call 256-737-2678
- If your last name begins with the letters M-Z, call 256-737-2677 and ask a patient account representative to provide an estimate of how much your stay might be.
Since no two patients are alike (some stay longer, need more tests or don’t heal as quickly), you should keep in mind that we can only give you an estimate.
- Financial assistance – If you don’t have insurance and can’t pay your bill, ask about our financial assistance policy to see if you qualify for low-cost or free care. You will need to provide things like paystubs, tax records, etc. Once we get this information, we can give you an estimate of what you will need to pay. Again, this will only be an estimate of your final bill.
7. What costs are included in my hospital bill?
Your room, food services, supplies and medicines, care provided by nurses and other staff, lab tests, scans, etc.
8. Will my hospital bill be the only bill I receive after my stay?
No, you will receive one or more bills for professional services and/or possibly from your insurance for any out-of-network costs they haven’t covered.
- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES – Care provided by physicians such as radiologists, anesthesiologists and emergency room doctors. You may never see these caregivers, but they play an important role in your diagnosis and treatment.
- OUT-OF-NETWORK COSTS – If the hospital or physician you choose is not a part of your insurance plan, they are said to be out-of-network, and you may have to pay a larger percentage of your bill to use these providers.
9. What happens during an emergency?
Patients are seen and treated first before any thought is given to payment. However, the right to receive emergency treatment doesn’t mean the care is free, and regular billing policies apply. If you visit a hospital not in your insurance plan, you could have some additional charges, so again, it’s good to ask ahead of time which hospitals are in your plan.
10. How do I get more information regarding my hospital bill?
Call our billing customer service line at 256-737-2986 between the hours of 8 am and 4:30 pm, Monday-Friday. The more you know, the better prepared you will be for your hospital stay.
Customer Service Hours
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 4:30 pm
P.O. Box 1108
Cullman, AL 35056-1108
Telephone: 256-737-2986
Fax: 256-737-2050
Email: customerservice@cullmanregional.com