The last place you want to be when you’re not feeling well is a crowded waiting room full of other sick people. Now, with Online Check-in, you can jump the line at the Cullman Regional Urgent Care Center and do the majority of your waiting from the comfort of home.

What is Online Check-in?
Online Check-in is a free service that allows patients to hold a spot
in line at the urgent care from their desktop or mobile device and
do most of their waiting at home. It is not required to use Online
Check-in to be seen at the urgent care but it can certainly make
your visit more convenient.
Why use Online Check-in?
- It’s free and convenient
- Wait from the comfort of home
- Plan your visit on your schedule
- Access from any device, on the go or at home
- No log-in required
Select a time in the blue drop down menu below and fill out the form to check in to the Cullman Regional Urgent Care Center. Please note, for multiple patients, you must fill out and submit a separate entry for each person.
We will do our best to see you as close to your check-in time as possible, but if there are sicker patients ahead of you, we must treat them first.
If your symptoms worsen or you believe you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest ER.
**Walk-ins are always welcome**
Due to the recent coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, please check in for Urgent Care by texting CRMC to 34947 or calling 256-737-2090 UPON ARRIVAL at the Urgent Care. (Even if you have already checked-in online)
We ask that you please remain in your car until you receive a text saying we are ready for you to be seen. This is to protect our patients and staff. Thank you.

Frequently Asked Questions
Is my reservation time a guarantee?
No, it is not. The Cullman Regional Urgent Care Center will do its best to see when you arrive, but if there are sicker patients ahead of you, they may be seen first.
What if I make a reservation, and then start feeling much worse?
If you are feeling worse, do NOT wait for your reservation. Go to the nearest Emergency Department immediately. If you feel that your condition is ‘life threatening’, call 911 right away.
Is there an additional fee for online check-in?
No, it is absolutely free for patients to use.
What happens if I’m late?
There is a 15 minute grace period. If you are later than that time frame, you may lose your spot in line.
Can I use Online Check-in even if I do not have insurance?
Online Check-in is free for everyone.
I made a reservation, but now I cannot get there on time. Can I adjust my time?
Simply go online and make a new reservation. The system will automatically cancel your old one.
When I arrive, will I see a doctor right away?
You will be seen by a healthcare professional who will evaluate your condition and decide on the best course of action for you. You may be seen by a nurse practitioner, physician, medical assistant, or some other combination of healthcare professionals.
I don’t need to go to the Urgent Care anymore. How do I cancel my reservation?
Call the Urgent Care Center at 256-737-2090 and and tell them that you are canceling your Online Check-in reservation.
What is Online Check-in?
Online Check-in is a new system that may decrease the time your family spends waiting at Emergency and Urgent Care Centers.
How does Online Check-in work?
You select a time of your choice to let our staff know you’re coming. This allows you or your loved one to wait in the comfort of your home until your check-in time.
When should I arrive for my confirmed time?
Please arrive no earlier than 30 minutes before your reservation time. We will not be able to see you before your reserved time.
Are walk-ins still allowed without checking in?
Yes! Walk-ins are always welcome.
Can I make one reservation for multiple people?
No. We can only see one patient per time slot. If more than one person needs to be seen, please reserve additional slots. You can view additional times by clicking on the blue drop down bar.
If I’m a new patient, do I need to provide more information?
Yes, please bring a valid photo ID and your insurance card (if applicable), and arrive early to complete any necessary paperwork. If you are able to bring your records from any previous primary care providers, please do. If not, we will help facilitate that process when you arrive.
What type of insurance do you accept?
We accept most insurance providers. We accept Alabama Medicaid with a referral. Self-pay pricing is also available.
My insurance requires prior authorization. Can I still use Online Check in?
We recommend working with your insurance company regarding any possible prior authorization requirements before using Online Check in.
Monday – Friday
9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
1958 AL Hwy 157
Cullman, AL 35058
Telephone: 256-737-2090
Fax: 256-737-2091